quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014


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quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2014
Três Alinhamentos Planetários muito fortes (Sol-Terra-Júpiter em 5 de janeiro), (Sol-Vênus-Júpiter em 7 de janeiro) e (Terra-Vênus-Sol em 11 de janeiro.) combinado com a Terra atingir Perihelion 04 de janeiro, juntamente com forte Lunar aspectos astrológicos podem prenunciar um potencial para um ou dois terremotos de magnitude superior a 7,5.
Sudeste do Alasca, Golfo do Alasca ou do Alasca Península.
Cronograma 6-7 janeiro (Magnitude 7,2-7,5) Honshu Japão, Ilhas Curilas ou Hokkaido Japão.
Cronograma janeiro 09-10
(Magnitude 7,5-8,0)

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Veja o Vídeo Abaixo:
Publicado em 28/12/2013
Three very strong Planetary Alignments
(Sun-Earth-Jupiter on January 5),
(Sun-Venus-Jupiter on January 7)
and (Earth-Venus-Sun on January 11) combined with the Earth reaching Perihelion January 4 along with strong Lunar astrological aspects may foreshadow a potential for one or two earthquakes over 7.5 Magnitude.
Southeastern Alaska, Gulf Of Alaska or Alaskan Peninsula
Time Frame January 6-7 ( Magnitude 7.2-7.5)
Honshu Japan, Kuril Islands or Hokkaido Japan
Time Frame January 9-10 (Magnitude 7.5-8.0)
Free Newsletter Download Link (December)
Newsletter Download Link (January)
Newsletter Download Link (February)
Website Earthquake Blog Forecasts
Facebook Live Quake Data
Results will be annotated as the end of this video
Astrologer Contact Information
Phillippa - phillyc@xtra.co.nz
Solar System Scope Website
Swiss Ephemeris Information
Google Earth
Updates and annotations will be added to the youtube video and description box.
Excellent information websites for solar watchers and researchers
More Information with this Research – Astrotometry
Earthquake Reporting Channel

Solarwatcher website
The spinning world globe at the start of the video is a free program called Earthquake3D. This video may not be reproduced in whole or in part without express written permission.
Intro Music used is royalty free and created by Kevin MacLeod
Ending Music is composed and produced by Rick Horrocks

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